
Help support Lhasa Happy Homes, while you save!

We’ve partnered with Goodshop to bring you the best savings on the web.

Each time you shop with a Goodshop coupon, a percentage is donated back to Lhasa Happy Homes!

That means whether you’re saving with Petco deals , 1-800-PetMeds savings or  Petsmart coupons, you’ll be giving back to the Lhasas!

You can even find deals for yourself with Amazon discounts and more! Check out Goodshop when you do your online shopping. You’ll be helping support your favorite Lhasas, and saving, at the same time!


Adoption Events

We do not have a public viewing facility; however, we hold bi-monthly adoption events in Santa Monica. Please check our calendar for changes and cancellations due to holidays or weather.

2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, 11am – 2:30pm

2116 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405 [Map]

Metered street parking.

Please bring pictures or video of your home/yard if we have not yet done a home visit (preferred).

And…don’t forget to bring your dog(s), if you have any. They make the final decision!