
Please read this dog's profile and the requested criteria before calling or submitting an application.

  • Adoption Status: Available
  • Breed: Maltese/ShihTzu
  • Age: 5 yrs
  • Sex: Male
  • Weight: 7 lbs
  • All LHH dogs have been spayed or neutered, updated on shots, microchipped, groomed, deflea'd, dewormed; and come with a leash, collar and LHH ID tag!

MEET DOOLEY…who hails from the East Valley Shelter and nobody came to pick him up 🙁 This precious, 7 lb, liver/cream colored, 4.5-5 yr old Maltese/Shih Tzu couldn’t be friendlier if he tried! From the minute we met, Dooley came over to me, jumped in my lap and gave me kisses! We have had him for almost a week and I have yet to hear him bark! Unlike most of the dogs who we take, who have some medical or behavioral issues…Dooley is about as perfect as they come! Loves other dogs, not sure what to do with toys, bonded to foster like superglue and hasn’t stopped following them around! Dooley is soft as silk and we don’t think he knew what a belly rub was before he arrived. He loves to snuggle and be as close as he can to you.

Dooley loves to cuddle and give kisses and just let you know how much he appreciates having a roof over his head. His potty training seems to be pretty good…he loves long walks and takes his time sniffing and smelling every tree, bush and flower before he decides where to go! He is portable enough to take everywhere with you…he definitely isn’t a “leave him alone” kind of dog. Therefore, a work from home family (kids over 5 ok) and/or another small, playful dog would be in order! Does Dooley Dog sound like a good fit for your home? WE LOVE HIM!!!

Adoption Events

We do not have a public viewing facility; however, we hold bi-monthly adoption events in Santa Monica. Please check our calendar for changes and cancellations due to holidays or weather.

2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, 11am – 2:30pm

2116 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405 [Map]

Metered street parking.

Please bring pictures or video of your home/yard if we have not yet done a home visit (preferred).

And…don’t forget to bring your dog(s), if you have any. They make the final decision!